Jax is 3 years old and has non-stop energy. He likes everything from drawing on
the couch with a marker to playing video games with his brother.
He can be a little bit shy and clingy at times, but if he gets to know you or thinks you're pretty awesome from the get-go, he hates to leave you. He will often tell people he cares about, "I lost you!", or "you lost me!" if they go somewhere and come back. He is especially close to Mommy and loves spending his days with her.
Here he is at the beach, flirting it up
with the cutest girl he could find.

He would spend all day in the backyard digging, running through sprinklers and jumping on the trampoline if we let him. In the winter, it's hard to keep him in because he loves being out in the snow!
Like most little boys, Jax loves dinosaurs, trains, race cars and monster trucks. He loves racing his cars pretty much anywhere- from one side of the tub to the other, around the table, all across the house.
He hates when his siblings leave for school in the morning, but excitedly greets them every day when they come home! Even though he's much younger than his older brother and sister, he will bravely protect them if he feels like they are being treated unfairly.
In this picture, he saw Roxie coming home from school and ran right into her arms!
Jax loves babies, even baby animals. He will often say things like "Ohh!! So cute! So little!" When he sees a picture of a little baby, he will ask if it's his little sister. He will repeatedly do things to show he's ready to be a "big brother" that he didn't do or like to do before, like help pick up or go right to bed at night. He is so ready to be have his little buddy to love, protect and play with! He's been so excited, he told me he had a something to tell the baby, so I wrote it down for him and took this picture!
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