We refer to Amber as a shy extrovert, because she struggles with social anxiety but she loves being around people and having fun. It's difficult for her to talk to people she doesn't know well, but she has hard time being quiet around people she loves and can get a little crazy. It can be hard for her to be serious because she loves to laugh and joke around. She would probably be happy to go out and do something exciting every day if she had the opportunity. She loves to go on "adventures" and make all the amazing memories she can.
She really loves the peace she feels being in nature. She also enjoys meditating all the stress away and feeling more in tune with herself. She dreams of having a meditation/ prayer room when they build a house in the future.
She also LOVES games. It's something she did with her family ever since she was little and enjoys the bonding time, whether it's shooting her husband in Call of Duty, playing Jenga with the kids or Tripoly with her siblings and parents. She also loves hosting game nights with friends and neighbors.
Amber is a very loving, passionate person. This can be a great thing, but it can also cause her to get her feelings hurt easily. She has a lot of empathy and she is fiercely loyal to those she loves and is very protective of people and even animals. She has a strong desire for things to be peaceful. She tries hard to see all sides of the story and calm tense situations, even those she isn't directly involved in. She just wants everyone to be happy. She loves doing things to brighten someone's day.

She loves to research and plan everything from get-togethers, vacations, parties and even things like new schedules and parenting techniques. She's always trying to find a better way to do things, but sometimes her ideas are probably a little bigger than they should be!
(One year, she did about 30 Disney movie nights, complete with themed dinners, to prepare them for their trip to Disneyland. It was a little crazy, but SO fun and special for the kids!)

After she got married, she realized she had a nerdy side she never knew about. After trying to get her husband to sell his comic books for years, she ended up convincing him to go to San Diego Comic Con and meeting Stan Lee. She particularly loves X-Men and has a Han Solo cosplay.
She lived in Los Angeles county during her teen years and is now an avid Dodgers fan.
She loves all things sparkly. Her mom and sister always thought she would grow out of it when she was little but she never did! 😜
She loves Olympic lifting and Crossfit. Almost 2 years ago, she decided to try Muay Thai and fell in love with it. She also enjoys watching UFC fights.
She runs an eBay shop from home, which is great because she gets to set her own hours and can work while her kids play right next to her.
She absolutely loves being an Army wife. When Ben was deployed, they actually reunited stronger than they had ever been!
Amber really loves what being a parent has done for her. She could not wait to grow up and be a mom. She always thought she would have like 10 biological and 4 adopted kids, but soon realized she did not have that kind of energy! She absolutely loves the magic that her children bring into her life and is constantly trying to find more ways to make their childhood feel more magical. She was raised where every holiday was a big deal. She has passed that magic and excitement down to her kids and it's seriously the best thing in her world!