I posted this on our Facebook page a few weeks back and thought I should share it on our blog, along with the video on this birth mom on Megyn Kelly Today at the very bottom, in addition to the video I initially posted:
Ben recently shared this video with me and it stirred up so many emotions that I felt a need to share. I'm so scared to share this because I am not great with sharing my emotions, especially for everyone in the world to read and have a hard time saying just what I want to say. I tried to make a video expressing my feelings to my future daughter's birth parents but I couldn't get through it without crying. I am in awe of all the amazing people that make the difficult choice to place their child for adoption. Every time I read or watch a story like this, I wish I could hug them and do whatever I could to comfort them. Adoption is 100% about love. Placing your child for adoption is the hardest, most selfless thing that person will probably ever do. We have witnessed people we love go through it and have seen and felt the amount of love and heartache that goes into it.
I've posted before that we already love this little girl, even though we have never met her. I want you to know, though, that I already love you, too. I don't see how I couldn't. I don't know where you are or anything about you yet, but I understand that someday in the future, you will give us our greatest blessing we could possibly receive. We pray for you and care about you. I care deeply about the choices you will make and the heartache you will go through, and I will never forget that.
I hope you understand how much I want you to be a part of our lives. We are coming together through this little child and that gives us a special bond that nobody else could understand. We will become and always will be family. I've prayed and hope so badly that I can share a close relationship with you. To share all the beautiful memories as she grows up. Whether we get time to visit regularly if you are close or we get to fly to wherever you are every now and then, I want her to grow up knowing who you are and knowing how deeply loved she is by so many people. She will be so lucky to not just have one family love her so much, but two families!
I don't yet know why we have been lead to adopt a Polynesian child. We realize how incredibly difficult this is and often wish we could have felt the Lord just wanted us to adopt in general, because it would have been a much easier journey. All I know is every time I've prayed about it, I felt this is absolutely what we need to be doing and someday it will all make sense. Knowing how important her culture and heritage is, I want to do everything I can to help her feel connected to it, which is one more reason I want you to be close in her life. I have spend countless hours thinking about what all I can do for her to feel as connected to her Polynesian roots as she can. We are so lucky to know some amazing Polynesian people and have an wonderful family right across the street and I am also friends with an incredible woman just a short walk away. I believe the way I was able to develop a friendship with them was not by chance (I can tell you the story some day, if you'd like), but for this exact reason. I don't think there's anything I wouldn't do to help her feel connected to her heritage.
I want you to know how hard I'm already trying to prepare to be the mother you would hope and dream for her. I understand that someday, you will choose me to raise her and that is a very big responsibility that I don't take lightly. I will do my best to honor that. I want to do my best to raise her to know and love who she is.
I write to my future daughter all the time. I want her to know what all I was thinking and feeling and everything happening all throughout this process, but realize I have not been sharing enough on our blog and will start writing regularly. I want you to better understand who we are and what our lives are like.
I'm not sure what else to say but I hope you understand a little more how important you are to us and how deeply I care about the heartache you will/ are going through in this decision. I will always be there to listen. I will always be grateful to you. I will always do my best to honor the choice you made.
Until then...